Finding references for variables or instances

Finding references for a global variable

How to find the corresponding →external variable for a →global variable in the context of the →resource starting at the Instances view and how to go to the usage of this external variable:

  1. Open the context menu for the global variable or for several selected global variables and select Find References. Alternative: Select the global variable and press Ctrl+Shift+G.
    Result: Neuron Power Engineer lists the found references for the global variable in the Search view. The first level lists the name of the variable, the second level lists the references.

  2. Expand the first level (if necessary). Click a listed reference on the second level.

Finding references for other variables for function block instance

How to find references (i.e. usages) for other →variables or →function block instances starting at the Instances view and how to go to a found reference:

  1. First, go to this variable or function block instance – with or without instance context.

  2. Then in this opened editor, use the command Find References. See "Finding references for element" for ST-editor or "Finding references (= usages) for an element" for FBD-editor.